Akerman’s Act Par Excellence
Chantal Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles was named the greatest film of all time by the BFI’s Sight and Sound poll late last year, the first work by a woman to [...]
Fascination and the Choice of Sacrifice
In Hans Holbein’s The Ambassadors, there is a strange object that disturbs the painting’s opulence. In Seminar XI, Lacan tells us that the spectator can only see the true form of this object on his [...]
The New Era of Savings and Sacrifice, and Its Stowaways
In late fall of 2022, an article titled "Du lässt immer das Licht an!” [You always leave the lights on!] was published by Austrian newspaper[1]. The author writes in a humorous way about dynamics between [...]
Brain Without Freud
On 6 December 1896, Freud wrote in his letter to Wilhelm Fliess: "Consciousness and memory are in fact mutually exclusive" (Bewußtsein und Gedächtnis schließen sich nämlich aus.).[1] This is the letter in which Freud for [...]
Call to Action: About Time and Its Price
Just like the analysand has to pay for his desire, the analyst needs to bring something to the table, as well. He, too, has to pay, to maintain his status as an analyst. “He pays [...]
Writing as a Political Act
"I have never been interested in psychoanalysis, as you know," Annie Ernaux said in an interview with Laure Adler for the program “L’heure bleue” on Radio France Inter. Ernaux has made the same remarks several [...]
Performative Jouissance and Analytic Act[1]
Judith Butler's political project is that of a gathering of minority and disparate communities founded on an LGBTQI+ type of gender or racial identification, as the various movements of the black, Latino or Indian communities [...]
Claudius’ Body and Trump’s Nicknaming?
After the 2022 midterm election, in which the Democrats won the senate majority, media coverage focused on the growing discontent in the Republican Party. [1] The Party is trying to figure out why it did [...]
“Daddy War”
In the early 50’s, a few years after the World War II, Iakovos Kambanellis,[1] a prominent Greek playwright, wrote the satirical play “Daddy War”.[2] The play is set in 305 BC in Rhodes (one of [...]
On September 26, 2022, the documentary "A Trip to Infinity" was released on Netflix.[1] This film introduces a group of mathematicians, physicists and cosmologists who talk about infinity (the mathematical symbol of which ( ∞ [...]
“Good Luck to You, Leo Grande” and Feminine Jouissance
In “Good Luck to You, Leo Grande” there are only two characters: Nancy, a fine vintage widow who has never experienced any form of sexual pleasure, and Leo, a young handsome man who wants to [...]
For Shame
In Seminar 17, we find an appendix from 3 December 1969, called “Analyticon”, where Lacan addresses the students at Vincennes. Their shameless exhibitionism of jouissance is not opposed to power, but its mutation: “And the [...]
A psychoanalyst’s first lesson on words: the signifier enters the signified. To illustrate this point Lacan replaced Saussure’s tree with his own example, two bathroom doors with signs affixed, Ladies—Gentlemen. The little diagram that offered [...]
Politics: From Science to Religion?
Science and religion are different domains. Science invokes reason and aims for a universal knowledge that can be applied to various fields. The imperative to universalize matters less than the deployment of reason. Politics was [...]
Is psychoanalysis in the city?
Vienna is the place where Freud discovered the unconscious, it is the birth place of psychoanalysis. Also, it is the place where psychoanalysis was wiped out in 1938. What can be said about psychoanalysis in [...]
Sanna Marin and Theresa de Avila
The recent controversy regarding the Finnish Prime Minister, Sanna Marin, might be elucidated by Jacques Lacan’s famous “woman does not exist”. Marin is the youngest PM in Finnish history, taking office at 34, and often [...]
Another Discovery for Getting Rid of the Unconscious
She was happy with her life. She was pleased with the beauty and order that reigned in her house, as well as the way that she took to work every day, which brought her through [...]
Colored With Nothing
"When the space of a lapsus no longer carries any meaning (or interpretation), then only is one sure that one is in the unconscious. One knows. But one has only to be aware of the [...]
The Scientific Approach
Some critics of psychoanalysis, in particular the supporters of cognitive-behavioral therapies, argue for having a scientific approach, as we could read in a recent brochure concerning the therapeutic care of autistic people[1]. Even if the [...]
Artistic License in a Woke Era
I Joan, a play which opened at Shakespeare’s Globe theatre in London last month, shows Joan of Arc as a legendary leader who uses the pronouns, they/ them. Lest it be criticised for historical inaccuracy, [...]
Wokeness En Vogue
Three years ago in Vienna, the effects of a new, fresh discourse met us for the first time. Unprepared and up close. During the second Zadig Vienna Forum "Wir alle sind Exilanten“ (We are all [...]
Between Indocility and Rebellion*
“It is not from too great an indocility of individuals that the dangers for the future of humanity will come.”[1] This complex sentence was uttered by Jacques Lacan in 1945 on his return to France [...]
Eight Points on ‘The Trans Issue’*
1. In a certain sense, there is no "Trans Issue". We have nothing to say about trans people except, on a case by case basis, about each One who comes to meet an analyst. Therefore, [...]
Carbon Blitz
Some weeks ago, The Guardian revealed that the world’s biggest fossil fuel firms are quietly planning vast projects of what apparently are called "carbon bombs". Defined as oil and gas projects that would each result [...]
A Falling Away of Guarantee
Twice now I have seen the 2022 Daniels film Everything Everywhere All at Once, and twice it has had a profound effect. Never have I seen a film that with one hand slapped me with [...]
The Transcendental Ethics of Marilyn’s Figure
When Kim Kardashian was recently allowed to wear an iconic Marilyn Monroe dress by designer Bob Mackie, the latter called this “a big mistake”. The dress, he said, was designed for Marilyn alone. In order [...]
Mass Shootings in the U.S.A.
We have all been horrified by the mass shootings that many consider an ‘American thing’. We often refer to them as tragedies. In his book, “From a Taller Tower: The Rise of the American Shooter”, [...]
Segregation and Hate
"But even where it emerges without any sexual purpose, in the blindest fury of destructiveness, we cannot fail to recognize that the satisfaction of the drive is accompanied by an extraordinarily high degree of narcissistic [...]
If a Tree Were to Fall on an Island Where There Was No Psychoanalyst: On the Ethical Status of Sound
“But what need can an analyst have for an extra ear, when it sometimes seems that two are already too many, since he runs headlong into the fundamental misunderstanding brought on by the relationship of [...]
Foreign Speech
The text below was presented during the “Beat Le Pen” (BLP) Forum, hosted by l’École de la Cause freudienne, on April 22, 2022, two days before the second and final round of the French presidential [...]
No Guarantee of Democracy
The text below was presented during the “Beat Le Pen” (BLP) Forum, hosted by l’École de la Cause freudienne, on April 21, 2022, two days before the second and final round of the French presidential [...]
On Immigration Control
The text below was presented during the “Beat Le Pen” (BLP) Forum, hosted by l’École de la Cause freudienne, on April 22, 2022, two days before the second and final round of the French presidential [...]
The Murder of Words
The text below was presented during the "Beat Le Pen" (BLP) Forum, hosted by l'École de la Cause freudienne, on April 22, 2022, two days before the second and final round of the French presidential [...]
I see the analyst upside down on my phone screen. He says, "Some people rotate their phone." These are my first virtual sessions in the days of Covid-19. What can we learn from the appearance [...]
The Ethics of Ecology
In a recent piece circulated on LRO under the title of "Our Blind Spot", Gustavo Dessal highlighted the striking absence of attention to the question of climate change in our discourse. It is almost as [...]
Will Smith at the Oscars: A Slap in the Face for Love
I hesitate to write this for fear of merely adding to the deafening roar of social media chatter about this incident. Yet another opinion about Will Smith slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars? Just what [...]
One of the most prominent political notions today is the populist idea that there is one and only one People, and that this People is represented by the populist party (at least if we look [...]
Return Ticket
Arriving in the harbor of New York City, Sigmund Freud beholds the Statue of Liberty illuminating the universe and jokes to his colleague, Carl Jung: “They don’t realize we’re bringing them the plague.” This is [...]
Psychoanalysis, Science Fiction, and Climate Change
In November 2021, psychoanalyst Gustavo Dessal challenged psychoanalysts to take account of climate change, which he referred to as a “blind spot” in the discourse of Lacanian psychoanalysis.[1] When it comes to the issue of climate [...]
“Wo Man”: Man and Woman Are Only Signifiers
In 2020, on the Bulgarian contemporary dance scene appeared "Wo Man", an art performance by author and choreographer Marion Darova. Darova and the actress Martina Apostolova are the performers. The play is inspired by Judith [...]
Uncertainty in the Time of Coronavirus
Alongside the coronaviruses we see another pandemic appearing, that of a generalised uncertainty which has become a current form of civilisation’s discontents. Until now hidden by the hopes generated by science, uncertainty is spreading even [...]
Why the Analyst Has to (Re)claim the Role of the Cuckoo
Most clinical institutions in Vienna operate primarily in service of the Austrian healthcare system, placing psychoanalysis and the diverse psychotherapy methods in the same category. Whilst providing their services for little to almost no costs, [...]
Chronicle of Malaise: The Secret
When a kitten is brought to the vet for the first time, the vet will chip it and check that the device works for identification. This chip contains some other information. As I watched the [...]
Not perverts but bureaucrats will set things off
An uncanny feeling takes hold, while reading the first pages of lesson 18 of Lacan’s Ethics Seminar [1], entitled “The function of the beautiful”. Am I in a time warp? Is this about today, the [...]
Conspiracism and Psychoanalysis: The Side of Meaning and the Side of Cause
Lacan asserted that “belief [foi] is the deepest mode of the relationship of man to reality,” that is, explains Jacques-Alain Miller, “to the signifier.”[1] This fundamental yes, this Bejahung, is essential for psychoanalysis to exist, [...]
A Bang or the Idea of Sound
But here I must question myself as to what I am at that moment––at the moment, so immediately and so separate, which is that in which I began to dream under the effect of the [...]
Hate in the Time of Coronavirus*
If Gabriel García Márquez addresses love in the time of cholera, could there also be hate in the time of coronavirus? With coronavirus, hate also arrives. A hate that is born of fear. A hatred [...]
Third Reich, Science and Psychoanalysis
Thursday, January 27th 2022, marked the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a date decided upon by The United Nations General Assembly in accordance with the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Nazi project of extermination [...]
Demonic Possession and Other Jouissance Today
Demonic possession can be considered by some, as well as the religious response to it - to purge the body of the devil that occupies it - as a phenomenon of archaic belief, depending on [...]
Black Holes’ Singularity
The Lacanian Review (TLR) offered us two fascinating interviews with internationally renowned researchers; the question of black holes was discussed[1]. Recently there was also an interview with a mathematician about singularities in mathematics[2]. I propose [...]
History and the Link of the Analytic Act with Civilization
The axis of work of the Tenth Study Days of the Escola Brasileira de Psicanálise on “The Analytic Act and Civilization” at once raises the question about the relationship of our work as analysts with [...]
The Distant Proximity of a Close-up
My first online session was indeed an analytic experience. Even though I consider myself very literate in all kinds of media, I was somehow skeptical about a virtual psychoanalytical session. I’ve been using technology since [...]
From Threat to Thread
“Tailor” is the first movie by Sonia Liza Kenterman. It narrates the story of Nikos, a middle-aged tailor, working at his father’s tailor shop in Athens, trying to make ends meet in a difficult situation. [...]
From Kierkegaard to Lacan: Repetition?
Kierkegaard, who, according to Lacan, was “the most acute of the questioners of the soul”[1] before Freud, was beset, as he himself testifies, by a problem: “whether repetition is possible, and what it means, whether a thing wins or [...]
Our Blind Spot
In March of 1974 Lacan delivered a lecture in Milan that was premonitory in referring to a threat that no one was paying much attention to at the time. He addressed himself to an audience [...]
Some politicians wear a larva of decency. There are always moments of exposure (Entlarvung) where something behind the larva comes out. These moments are often very comical (komisch) and of course revealing for the political [...]
It Takes Time
Acceptance/rejection: this pair of polar terms describes the dominant way of dealing with the otherness of jouissance in public discourse, to locate it somewhere. However, if we look closely at the way acceptance and rejection [...]
Roman Vishniac’s Symptom: A Fish Outside Meaning
In a recently published book, in Hebrew, called Criss Cross - Psychoanalysis, Art and Culture [1], one chapter, written by Rony Alfandary and titled Vishniac the Lone Photograph, was devoted to the Russian-American photographer Roman [...]
Disturbing Fire
This year in June, France passed a new bioethics law. This law allows fertility treatment for all women under the age of 43 from now on. In this case, "all" women means that in the [...]
Joyce the Letter and the Feminine Principle
Lacan demonstrates in his Seminar The Sinthome that the Joycean text concerns the letter. Here the letter is not a vehicle for truth or desire nor the material basis for the signifier. It is a [...]
“The Queen’s Gambit”: What is Really Sacrificed?
Chess has never been very popular in the Western world. Chess geniuses, on the contrary, have always drawn public attention. Something otherworldly about these unusual masterminds catches our interest. What price has to be paid [...]
A Politics of Lacanian Action
How are we to understand Lacanian action today? When does a practice oriented analytically become Lacanian action? In the first place, we should situate the contrast between the term "action" and the term "act", two [...]
Transmissions of “Bits of Real” in a Lacanian Criminology Workshop
A group of people active in the field of justice, education, the police, the magistracy and health care have been organizing a monthly workshop on Lacanian criminology in person since 2004. The workshop consists of [...]
From the “Shine of the Absences” to the Mystic as a Body Event
The architecture of Seminar XX: Encore meets some of its fundamental pillars already in the sixties. Lacan highlights a certain negligence regarding the way in which post-Freudian psychoanalysts took a stand on female sexuality and [...]
Wandering in the Virtual Space Between the Bed and the Couch
When I encounter, especially with young subjects, a sentence that begins with "I talked to ...", I find myself sometimes asking, 'did the conversation take place in presence, by phone, or in writing?' It seems [...]
In the domestic landscape of the “internet of things,” one thing is clear: it is not so much the smart TV, the biometric wristwatch, or your car’s new AI that constitutes one in a series [...]
The Culture of Abusive Treatment*
This text was written in response to an article by D. Bishop and J. Swendsen in the BJPsych Bulletin, which slandered Lacan and his students. Addressed in English to the Bulletin, the present text did [...]
“Be Happy, Eat, Drink, Repeat”: A Pandemic Slogan
"Be Happy, Eat, Drink, Repeat." These five words constitute the printed slogan of a recycling bag by a well-known take-away franchise coffee shop selling, among other things, beverages and fast food. During the pandemic, one [...]
New Normality: A New Real?
With spring, hope springs up and announces that soon we will have made it, soon we will have arrived in a "new normality", which will not be a post-Corona normality. Corona will continue to be, [...]
The Absent Kiss
The cancel culture would like to erase certain imaginary references that allowed children to be told what cannot be said about horror. If Prince Charming's kiss can no longer be inscribed, since Sleeping Beauty or Snow White [...]
Digital Lebenswelt
Lacan concludes his lecture "The Third" (1974) with a sentence that remains as topical as ever: "the future of psychoanalysis is something that depends on what will come out of the Real, namely if gadgets, [...]
As Soon as One Speaks, One is Plotting
The plotters make plots and keep quiet about them. Those who talk about them, even if it means inventing them, are called conspiracy theorists [comploteurs]. A real plot is a matter of politics; the conspiratorial narrative is of another [...]
Let’s Play!
In 1985, Neil Postman published his magnificent essay "Amusing ourselves to death", in which he wondered whether the future of the world would have the grim face of Orwell's prophecy, the society of absolute control, [...]
Hegel’s Papers on Technique
One of the aims of the ‘Preface’ to The Phenomenology of Spirit is to guide the reader as to the position he should maintain in the philosophical experience. Hegel’s technical recommendations seem to me highly [...]
On Lebendig in Analysis
In the field of analysis and in the field of love one is dealing with something lebendig. This German word is ambiguous. On the one hand, it refers to a living organism in contrast to [...]
WOKE or Racism in the Time of the Many Without the One (Part 2)
...Continued from LRO 298 (26th May 2021)... This new relationship is due to several factors, the first of which is the evaporation of the Name, following the collapse of the place of the symbolic father, [...]
WOKE or Racism in the Time of the Many Without the One (Part 1)
I believe that it is inoperative to say that there are no races. For there to be no races, for us to be able to say “we men,” there would have to be the Other [...]
A Woman’s Existence
"Wie es wird, wie sich das Weib."[1] Throughout his teaching, Freud referred to femininity as an enigma. He spoke of woman's sexuality as a dark continent. And in his letter to Marie Bonaparte, he wrote [...]
What Do We Call ‘Body Event’?[1]
This expression “body event”, as defining the symptom, can be found in the text Lacan submitted for inclusion in the proceedings of the 5thInternational Joyce Symposium in 1975, under the title “Joyce the Symptom”.[2]Here is [...]
Lemebel: Writing as a Way of Love
Image credit: "Las dos Fridas" (1989; Pedro Lemebel and Francisco Casas) by Pedro Marinello. Further details at: http://english.yeguasdelapocalipsis.cl/ “I don’t think I was born for love, I invent love for others”, says Pedro Lemebel after [...]
The Body Marked by Language [1]
In his last Seminar, The Moment to Conclude, Lacan says the following: "The Symbolic is language: we learn to speak and it leaves traces […], consequences that are nothing other than the sinthome and analysis consists […] in realising why [...]
Docile to Trans
Image credit: Hermaphrodite endormi, resting on a mattress specially sculpted by Bernini. Roman work discovered in 1608, life-size marble, Louvre Museum. The storm has broken. The trans crisis is upon us. Trans people are in [...]
The Signifier, the Letter, and the Body: Changing Perspective in Hysteria
The Other is needed to construct a body, for a body is not something that we can take for granted. Freud’s hysterics ‘have a body’, which transmits a message from an other to the other, [...]
Éric Marty and Jacques-Alain Miller – Interview on “The Sex of Moderns”[1]
Sunday 21 March, 2021 Jacques-Alain Miller: My dear Éric Marty, I thought I would start with a little ‘speech’ [in English in the original]. Your book, I received it last Wednesday with a dedication [...]
The Saying of Sex
In the sixth lesson of the Seminar Identification,[1] Lacan starts his elaboration on the difference between the proper name and the common name. Unlike Stuart Mill and Sir Alan Gardiner, he identifies the specificity of [...]
Violence is part of our contemporary world and the classifications with which crimes are named are expanding and diversifying. Crimes transcend gender, race, and age, but some take on the particularity of targeting a specific [...]
Practice Among Many – A Dam for Jouissance (1)
In relation to the psychotic subject, practice among many (La pratique à plusieurs) may initiate three effects (2, 3). First, generate a division, as the one we speak of when we speak of the divided [...]
Transference of Work is the Orientation
I start with an observation in order to formulate a hypothesis: there is a red thread running from end to end through a series of texts, courses and interventions by Jacques-Alain Miller, a thread that [...]
Preface to Jacques-Alain Miller’s Book “Political Controversy”
The texts collected in this volume stem from the period of time between the beginning of March and the end of June 2017. These were four vertiginous months that started with what Jacques-Alain Miller described [...]
Reading of Thomas Svolos’ “The Aims of Analysis”
The Aims of Analysis: Miami Seminar on the Late Lacan, a book by Thomas Svolos published by Midden Press, represents a doubly auspicious moment: the Lacanian Compass, in the US, has its own publishing house, [...]
Is This Us? From the Event to the Consent
This Is Us is a fictional television series that portrays the life of a middle class family in the United States. Its title evokes a misunderstanding that is itself a particular reflection on contemporary American [...]
It Fails: A Lacanian Antibody
“There are only different ways to fail, some of which are more satisfying than others. We are not simply having a laugh here, it’s not just a Witz. It is the condition for holding one’s [...]
Between My Life and Neo-Feminism
For those who question the feminine, the history of feminism is an inescapable teaching, both clinical and political. By publishing online the text of Annie Le Brun’s memorable intervention in the TV show “Apostrophes”, Lacan [...]
Lacanian Opinion (I)
What does the speech of women teach us in the age of #MeToo? The concrete enunciation of women’s public declarations concerning the question of sexual assault has hit its target and made the news. This [...]
Masculinism: A Movement Without the Phallus
My interest in writing about the feminine, or more specifically about the feminization of the world, resides paradoxically on the masculine. We have observed a contemporary trend spreading worldwide centered on masculinity: men attempting to [...]
On Freedom and Hatred
Rush Limbaugh died on Thursday 17th of February of tongue cancer due to his heavy smoking. Limbaugh was a well-known radio presenter with ties to the Republican Party. His voice was always provocative (as described [...]
EFIMERUS – An experiment on the eternity of the instant
In 1915, at the request of the German Goethe General Federation, Sigmund Freud wrote a short text, whose poetic beauty and depth of thought allow it to be considered among the best of his immense [...]
When you are going to encounter a psychoanalyst, you encounter a partner – a new partner you have not encountered in your life and with whom you are going to play a new part (partie). [...]
Urgency: Between Truth and Jouissance
Urgency is a hole in time, it is the time of eternalization. When a traumatic event breaks through, perplexity arises, regardless of the structural diagnosis. The subjective response will come afterwards. Urgency is a time [...]
What Bill Gates wants from me, and from all of us
During the eighties, David Icke was a famous sports presenter on the BBC. Shortly after leaving that post, he suffered an episode of epiphanic revelation on the Isle of Wight. Later, after being caught in [...]
Did Harry Potter go through the Pass?
In the final chapters of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", does the protagonist relate to an experience that might resemble that of the Pass? The part that caught my ear is the title of [...]
How does the work of art interpret the experience of confinement?
The experience of confinement, as an effect of the coronavirus pandemic, is having an impact on the subject. The artist Rosemary Cassidy Buswell (1) shows us, in this regard, how to deal with this real [...]
Women Tell Their Stories
We know that at the end of his life Freud was left with at least one unresolved enigma, that of female sexuality: I do not know what a woman wants, he said. Having unraveled the [...]
Interpretation as an Event is from the Feminine Position
“The analyst too must pay,” said Lacan in “The Direction of the Treatment and the Principles of its Power.” [1] Pay with his words. Pay with his own skin. With his persona, when he lends [...]
Haphephobia and the Dilemma of Touching Each Other or Not
Since the start of the pandemic we have not stopped receiving news about different mental disorders linked to it. First, we discover the syndrome of cabin fever, that push to stay locked up. With the [...]
Titian’s Blue
Awoken from a dream, a question imposes itself on me: what is the colour of psychoanalysis? It echoes childhood memories where lively, vibrant colours marked my mother’s desire as she covered me with them. Once, [...]
The Trump Symptom
“Domestic Terrorism”, Hillary Clinton wrote on her Twitter account referring to the hordes Trump sent to the Capitol last Wednesday. From everything I’ve read about it, that diagnosis seems spot on. Terrorism can be practiced [...]
Lacan in Caracas: Forty years and (of) an instant (of seeing)
Gerado Réquiz is an AMS (Analyst Member of the School) of the WAP and of the NEL. He currently resides in Madrid, Spain. Interview conducted by Cristina Vírseda. Image credit – J. Diaz. …. Lacan’s [...]
Finnegans Wake: A Dream of Joyce – and its Real *
In the third section of Seminar XXIII: The Sinthome, titled by Jacques-Alain Miller “The Invention of the Real”,[1] and especially in its middle chapter, “On Sens, Sex and the Real” – itself an elaboration of [...]
Hate in Bubbles
The US elections have confirmed what the pandemic had already shown in the open: that hatred works today as a passion that groups people into bubbles, segregating them from one another. Freud's thesis in his [...]
A Night of Psychoanalysis in Vienna
On 4 September 2020, a balmy late summer evening in the Museumsquartier in Vienna, more than twenty people from the Initiative Wien met to read three of the Introductory Lectures that Sigmund Freud gave in [...]
Organized Solitude
Does anyone remember the golden age of confinement, when humanity believed itself to be One in universal love? Many saw the omen of redemption, the promise of a historic rectification: we would be reborn in [...]
The Place of the Secret
It is as a psychoanalyst that I am invited to this conference. It is technology that makes possible my presence with you today for this debate in Turin. I could content myself with that. But [...]
Pain and Jouissance
Freud distinguished between two basic experiences of the psychic apparatus: one is the experience of satisfaction (1905;1920), and the second is of pain (1895). In his Project for a Scientific Psychology (1895), Freud identified the [...]
Responsible But Not Guilty
As part of the preparatory work for the forthcoming Study Days of the School* I remembered a text by Karl Abraham, which I had read a long time ago. It is an audacious and provocative [...]
From Galileo to DNA Barcodes in Food Products
In an article in Science, researchers developed a system whereby artificially created DNA barcodes can be dispersed in environmental objects, including food products.[1] This practice is starting to be used in food safety, for example [...]
Children of Trump
As I am not a political analyst, I immerse myself with profane curiosity in the fascinating phenomenon of the US elections. “American democracy hangs by a thread” was the title that Umair Haque gave to [...]
Feminine Masochism, a Male Fantasy
Feminine masochism is an issue that has often been addressed. It will not be my point. But there is an incidental remark in the comments that Lacan makes on several occasions and which has caught [...]
COVID Sadness: The New Sorrow
It’s been almost a year since it all started. We have experienced strangeness, fear and anguish, anger, love, solidarity and grief. Now, at the beginning of autumn – and without the summer light – sadness [...]
The Taboo on Touching
The obsessional is guilty. He is a “big criminal”. Mainly because he enjoys too much. This unavoidable guilt lodged in the structure is to be distinguished from the legal conviction of an individual for such [...]
Variations on the Concept of School (Waiting for the Re-encounter)
The School: Woman, Subject, of the Cartel, Symptom, Knowledge, Knot, Cause, Refuge, Work in Progress, of the Pass… The predicates multiply themselves, constituting a sufficiently Borgesean labyrinth that invites one to lose oneself in what [...]
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people disappear without trace. In police stations around the world there are lists of people who have been reported missing and who will never be found. The causes are [...]
Interpreting the US Presidential Race as a Symptom
On September 26th, 1960, the first televised presidential debate in the history of the United States was held. It was between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon. For the first time in history, the candidates [...]
The Real Presence and Slipperiness of the Body
During confinement, we experienced absent bodies from a distance. We experienced that the notions of proximity, distance, and border between self and other were insufficient to account for presence. Near, far, social distancing, blurring (an [...]
COVID-19…and now what?
It has been six months since the arrival in Europe of this epidemic, about which we have heard everything and nothing. And it’s far from over. However, the famous “next world” is taking shape. In [...]
The Hands of Freud
An elaboration on the essay by Jeannne Wolff Bernstein, “The Spanish Flu, Covid-19 and Sigmund Freud – What can we learn from history?”(1) There is the real of the virus, an element that is at [...]
Memories of Sex
If God exists, he certainly invented sex to torment us. But then again, he was the first to be bothered: Zeus did nothing other than to cast a spell on ravishing mortals, and after him, Christ chose [...]
The Ship and the Swan
Freud studied the three great factors that cause discontent in human beings: the action of nature, one's own body, the relationship with others. Today it is urgent to bring the first up to date, because [...]
Tech-no-me, tech-to-me
15.06.20 Before the pandemic and the closure of schools, I was clinically working with 4 to 12 year-old children mostly at their school environment. After the government’s decision to close the educational establishments, I [...]
The affair of the “Carrion” in Jacques Lacan’s Seminar XVII
The word "carrion" rings a bell when you are French. That is precisely what happened while I was listening to the London Society of the NLS Online Reading[i] of Jacques Lacan’s Seminar XVII[ii], Chapter 12, by Despina [...]
The Destiny of Two Letters
“[…] because I want to go out someday to the street, and soon, without dying.” The kiss of the spider woman, Manuel Puig Martin wrote two letters to his father in October 1918, [...]
Writing and Erasure under the Shadow of Covid-19
Above the auditorium near my house in Haifa, ordinarily a stage for cultural events, a huge sign continues to soar, reading “culture will win”. The sign carries both the outcry of the deserted venue, its [...]
After many days since the implosion of everyday life, I find myself looking for how to make room for the discontinuity in the discontinuity, how to obtain what a colleague –in the first series of [...]
Signifiers Matter
In our world, the world of Lacanian psychoanalysis, we sometimes talk about the decline in the power or the impact of the symbolic order as a defining characteristic of our time, and the corollary rise [...]
The School in Times of Pandemic
Doing Zoom I want to deeply thank the Council for making this night possible amidst this colossal horror named Covid19. Re-taking the floor in the School, traversed by this planetarium pandemic and affected by the [...]
School, Dream and Sinthome
The perspective I chose for the Conversation organized by the Council under the title “School in Times of Pandemic”, occurred to me based on the latest events that arose within the World Association of Psychoanalysis. [...]
Columbus in Quarantine
This last week in Houston, the mayor ordered the removal of three statues from public parks in time for Juneteenth: two Confederate memorials and one of Christopher Columbus. Juneteenth is a state holiday in Texas, [...]
It’s easy to see segregation in other cultures and not in your own
Jorge Assef by Luz Saint Phat "The United States are burning", this was one of the headlines shown in the news these days in different places around the world to portray the scale and [...]
The Veil Is Torn
Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly [1] It is a theme inscribed in the preparations of our Study Days on the sexual assault: the intimate unveiled. The expression in its simplicity implies a [...]
The Empty Plinth
As the reports of Edward Colston’s statue being pulled down from the plinth in Bristol have started to reach us, our memories were still fresh with a similar scene occurring in Baghdad at the beginning [...]
Bernard Seynhaeve, President of the NLS, in conversation with Violaine Clément, ASREEP-NLS, by Skype, May 22 2020 Violaine Clément : You interpreted the cancellation of the NLS Congress on interpretation that was supposed to [...]
Saying the unsayable
In an analysis, the subject comes to speak about what doesn't work, what bothers him, makes him obsessed or anxious. Something of his jouissance is opaque to him. Once the Subject Supposed to Know is [...]
Pushing the impossible so that history will continue
It is only by pushing the impossible into its last defenses that impotence takes the power to make the patient turn into the agent. [1] Jacques Lacan When sanitary measures forced us to set [...]
Art#COVID19: a liquid element?
Breathtaking! At the time of deconfinement in France, the question of art’s place, in our postmodernity, arises. Since the sanitary lockdown, galleries, museums are closed, festivals and concerts are canceled. Artists one-by-one are deprived of [...]
Affectio Societatis
Affect and Contract That the Law gives way to affect, surprises. Nothing seems further from the Law than the register of affects. One signs a contract. One cannot say the next day: “I no longer [...]
Challenges for Psychoanalysis in Times of Pandemic and Distancing
Interview by Luz Saint Phat How can psychoanalysis contribute to understanding and shedding light on some of the situations faced by subjects within the Covid-19 outbreak and the statutory provisions for isolation and social [...]
The ‘Zoom fatigue’ – A new form of tiredness
Confinement has brought us a new and paradoxical form of fatigue: the fatigue of video calls. Paradoxical because, despite the fact that now the bodies do not move through subway corridors, crowded streets or endless [...]
Notes on Science-fiction in Times of the Corona event
“For me the only true, serious science worth following is science fiction” [i] During the lockdown, with the images of deserted cities, the anonymity of doctors and nurses behind their masks, the possibility – [...]
What Is It That Interprets in Psychoanalysis?
For an analytic session, there is no criterion for success or accuracy: one can only say that it took place. It took place if it produced a certain effect, an effect which is not calculable [...]
Eschewing the Impossibility of the Real
In difficult circumstances such as our current one, the unconscious, which does not know viruses or time, persists and insists. What to do with one’s analysis, when “virtual” analysis doesn’t cut the mustard? The [...]
Summoned: it starts when you list your symptoms to several different people after dialing 15—the French medical emergency number—also known as SAMU. You are taken more and more seriously and then summoned urgently to the [...]
What remains to be said: on floundering, ignorance and mourning
As I look through the window and see people on balconies clapping, someone sees me and appears invigorated to clap even more. He and others keep clapping in the choir that transcends countries and continents. [...]
Last night I dreamt of Bond, James Bond
Bond films were my favorite growing up and played a part in my coming of age. Later my interest in films turned elsewhere, my gaze shifted, and Bond became a thing of the past. With [...]
Going Over The (Self-Built) Wall
Entre l’homme et la femme, Il y a l’amour. Entre l’homme et l’amour, Il y a un monde. Entre l’homme et le monde, Il y a un mur.[1] Jacques-Alain Miller comments on Lacan’s statement [...]
When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there…
[1] Faced with a pandemic, a world (not all) governed by calculation and profit has the duty to protect human life at any cost, and to do so in the “general interest.” So much for [...]
Two Brief Observations from this Pandemonium
With regard to this pandemonium, two brief observations. The first is based on my analysis and, with a degree of certainty, I would sum it up it like this: My own analytic experience could definitely [...]
On the littoral…
In my latest book "Unconscious 3.0" I have dedicated some reflections to the use of technologies in the service of the denial of death. The famous episode of the Black Mirror series entitled "Be Right [...]
Life Online
There are two features of social media that are particularly worth emphasising, namely that such “information flows” have the quality of being both immediate and novel. There is a need for constant updating (e.g. via [...]
It’s No Child’s Play
During the period of Lockdown, my work with children has been most affected. Schools took precautionary measures some time before the prohibition from the central government. Without proper intimation to the children, or interaction with [...]
In memoriam – François Sauvagnat
Extracts from an interview with François Sauvagnat about his collection Le trauma psychique, aspects cliniques, éthiques et politiques (Anthropos, 2007), published on the blog for Journées 44 of the ECF, Être Mère, but conducted a [...]
Everything will be fine?
Emergencies - natural catastrophes, attacks or pandemics like the current one – always give rise to diverse attitudes and feelings. Optimism is usually more politically correct than pessimism. This is why we do not stop [...]
Shouts are heard at sunset under the Madrid sky
Madrid, Spain. Neighborhood of Salamanca. Núñez de Balboa. The media speak of a crowded street. But in many other streets in the same neighborhood and nearby, such as Arturo Soria, Retiro, Hortaleza, the neighbors accompany [...]
“Coraggio Casimiro”: Freud and Abraham Encourage each other In Difficult Times
* Recently, when I speak to friends or someone tells me about the toughness of these times, when the conversation ends this expression always comes to me, and it is not clear whether I want [...]
Institutional Experimentation and Psychoanalysis
For the past fifty days in Greece, that is since the onset of the quarantine measures, we have been experiencing a large-scale institutional experimentation. The Parliament, without having formally ceased its function, has defacto delegated [...]
STILL LIFE? – The Lacanian Review 9
New Lacanian School (NLS) / World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) Presentation We began our research for this volume of The Lacanian Review with an equivocation between the two languages of the New Lacanian School, English [...]
Invention in the Time of Pandemic
What becomes of analytical work with young psychotic or autistic patients when our intervention is by telephone or videoconference? The bodies are no longer present, and we remain observers, outsiders to the life of the [...]
Civilization and Its Discontents and the Unbearable Lightness of the Absent Body
Over the past weeks, in the School, much has been written and by many in regard to the uncanny phenomenon of this epidemic, in attempt to formulate something about it; the challenges that it raises [...]
That the body is an object, well psychoanalysis knows this from its origins. An object that can be loved, hated, manipulated, bought, sold, cared for, corrupted, desecrated, destroyed... whether it is our own or that [...]
The Monsters of Reason
El Sueño de la Razón Produce Monstruos is an etching by Francisco de Goya (1746-1828). It was created within -and refers to - the Spanish Enlightenment. According to the usual interpretation of this piece, reason [...]
Consenting to the Desire for Analysis
A psychoanalysis begins with an initial meeting between the analyst and the analysand which will determine the continuation of the process. It requires more than a tacit agreement between the two protagonists because it does [...]
Encounter with the Coronavirus: we, analysts, are mortal
On the 7th of March, I went full of enthusiasm to Barcelona to a TyA conference (Addiction and Alcoholism), thrilled to present a clinical case with the friends of the local group, at the local [...]
Mystery and Birdsong
“What is this virus, Theo?” Theo: “It’s a virus that makes children go away.” These are the words of a three and a half year old who is asking: “Why aren’t there any children in [...]
In Japan, the number of elderly people commiting crimes is increasing because they want to go to jail. In jail they have company, they are treated well and confinement is preferable to the extreme solitude [...]
Quarantine Chronicle (on Love and the Indocile Body)
I had promised to tell a friend what I thought about the book that she had bought me as a birthday present as soon as I had finished it. I am sorry to have to [...]
Structural Discord
I had been hoping to translate Dalila Arpin’s piece published by our colleagues in the ELP,[1] for I had been touched by how well she had put some of the impasses we encounter during this [...]
Resolutely Lacanian
About The Other Side of Bio-politics. A Writing for Jouissance, by Éric Laurent.[1] Subversion The Other Side of Bio-politics,[2] a title too Foucauldian? That was my question for a moment. But in reading the introduction [...]
A Journal
I want to share with you what my thoughts are trying to capture of the phenomena that have taken place for four days in a body affected not by a signifier, which is generally considered [...]
An Open Window
Time has been suspended, in any case it is different. It seems to be stretching but also accelerating. However, what time do we speak about here, that of the analytic session or that of confinement? [...]
The Real of Science and Its Numbers
Each of us faces his/her own real. Nowadays, however, we could say that CO-VID19 is the real of the entire planet. Every day, we witness new measures “feeding” the speech of science and the protection [...]
Viral Times
As I recently stated, surely all too naïvely and ill-considered, was that “what we are living is really new and unknown and this whole Corona/Covid-19 situation would have been unthinkable before the age of globalization.” [...]
Lars von Trier’s Melancholia (2011): A Reading
How should we read the film Melancholia,[1] whose visual power and meticulous aesthetics captivate our eyes so? And whose music – the overture from Richard Wagner’s opera Tristan and Iseult – makes our ears tremble [...]
The rumour of the lockdown lifting has ushered in a new period: the time of tomorrow, with respect to the basic opposition of yesterday and today, since we don’t know better. It is also the [...]
The Bridge-Builder
On 24th April, the Kronen Zeitung (the highest circulation daily in Austria) reported under the headline: "Prefer Austria - Kurz: Restraint during holidays abroad" on the recommendations of the Austrian Chancellor regarding the coming summer [...]
Civilization and Its Objects a
After the coronavirus passes, so they say, the world will not go back to what it was before. When we emerge on the other side of the pandemic's rabbit hole, they tell us, the world [...]
On the phone
In these times of subjective emergencies, I will attempt to circumscribe how a phone call can constitute an intervention outside-of-the-norm, in different contexts. I will take three examples. The Voice That Disanguishes Firstly, an institutional [...]
What’s missing, what’s falling
1917: Marcel Duchamp signs a urinal with the name R. MUTT and calls it "Fountain". According to the artist, any ordinary object with a signature, a title and its placement in an exhibition can be [...]
Passions Run Wild
There was a moment of panic in Austria when hamster purchases occurred and patients told about their fears that they had taken from the supermarkets. This panic moment, which could have got out of control, [...]
What an unbelievable coincidence! Should we become superstitious? In February 2020, Bong Joon Ho won four Oscars with Parasite, a black comedy thriller film. Parasite also won the Golden Palm (a first for South Korea) [...]
Notes on Desire and Isolation
1) Deadly Machine I remember how it seemed to me awkward, in college studying the life of viruses, when I discovered that life is just what a virus doesn't have. It is not considered a [...]
Viral and other threats
I am still a bit dazed. Not really knowing what to think about the fact that just this NLS Congress had to be cancelled. Its theme was interpretation. Not for the first time. But more [...]
Where Are the Reals? / Have We Crossed the Line?
I have been following closely the stories of the coronavirus outbreak since the lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei. Reading those writings and diaries from Wuhan, I was imagining the disaster. It was too unreal not [...]
The Coronavirus and Capitalism
In this time of global crisis, itself partly caused by globalisation, it seems useful to consider together both the Coronavirus and Capitalism. Indeed, a crude analogy between the two can immediately be made, the virus [...]
Vertigo, like Hitchcock’s – we remember how his 1958 film gradually became accepted, by some, as the best ever. Something of this experience occurs to us today, when events simply sweep away our certainties concerning [...]
Sent to Our At-Home Dimension
The COVID-19 virus has sent us involuntarily to our at-home dimension for an uncertain number of days and we want to go back to our in&out-home dimension, which allows our bodies to encounter other bodies [...]
Solitude of Bodies
I told you that it is only poetry that allows interpretation and that is why, in my technique, I can hardly reach what it holds –– Jacques Lacan[1] The confinement that currently rules our [...]
The Biopolitics of Infection
Writing this text began with a question that troubled me concerning a global phenomenon now taking place in dealing with the Corona crisis: How does it happen, in our capitalist world, that the belief in [...]
Smoke and Mirrors
“One should not look at anything. Neither at things, nor at people should one look. Only in mirrors is it well to look, for mirrors do but show us masks.” Oscar Wilde, Salomé This [...]
France is bacon
There is a story, a meme, which is finding a revival on the internet just now, circulating on Facebook, and no doubt elsewhere too. The story relates to a celebrated post on Reddit from a [...]
Stigma and the Uncanny “Stigma”[1] according to Goffman, is the deviation that results from the difference or non-harmonization to the dominant social data; acceptance (if it supposedly exists) is actually under dispute. It refers to [...]
A Spoke In The Wheel
Q: Tell me something good that is going to come out of all this... A: Perhaps many of the things we can learn no doubt depend a lot on the outcome of “all this”, because [...]
Comedy is certainly one way of escaping the tragic conflict that imprisons the neurotic: when we are able to alleviate the many competing tensions which grip the subject, we can free his libido from its [...]
The silent master Let’s start with the master. There has been a proliferation of masters during the plague. The master, in the Lacanian sense, corresponds to the common man of power who counts among politicians [...]
Recalling Psychoanalysis
If there were only the unconscious and the symptom: if there had never been the parlêtre and the sinthome; if the metaphor of the symptom was not “the formal envelope of the body-event”[1] then yes, [...]
Q-u-a-r-a-n-t-i-n-e. About Martin Scorsese’s ‘The Aviator’
Allene Hughes: “Q-u-a-r-a-n-t-i-n-e” Howard Hughes: “Quarentine. Q.u.a.r.e.n.t.i.n.e. Quarentine” (Opening scene of the Martin Scorcese film, The aviator) In the midst of the quarantine in which we find ourselves, I have found an extraordinary interview [...]
The Real of Analytic Abstinence
After Freud pointed out that nothing can be killed in absentia or in effigy, Lacan insisted throughout his teaching that the cure requires a real presence, beyond the imaginary and symbolic body of the analyst. [...]
Empty City
This third text comes as as a rebound from the previous one, which was a sort of chronicle of the times of the coronavirus that ended on a void. With my permit to go out, [...]
Ambiguous Proximities
A few months back, while on another headless adventure through my Facebook feed, I was pinched back awake by a wonderful meme that read something like: "remember, tradition is just peer pressure from dead people!" [...]
The Analyst-Object and Psychoanalysis as a Mobile -Virtual- Installation
The time for understanding has arrived. The CIEC (Center for Research and Clinical Studies), associated with the Freudian Field since 1998, has come out with its offer to the social. We know that a practitioner [...]
Coronavirus: Life in High Definition
This moment pushes us to reconsider the real of nature against disorder in the real. Miller writes, “capitalism and science have combined to make nature disappear.”[1] With the quieting of social chatter and abrupt downturn [...]
Virtual Reality
The smallness of our existence can acquire dimensions that we had not before suspected and, by contrast, lives accustomed to passing by without limits run up against an implacable barrier. Confinement and the norms of [...]
Pandecracy or Bureaucracy in the light of the “Battle of Veneto”
I read with amazement an interview sent to me via WhatsApp by Alejandra Glaze, whom I thank. In it, the Spanish newspaper El Confidencial calls on Sergio Romagnani, 81 years old, immunologist and internist, Professor [...]