Religion of Enjoyment

By | October 16th, 2015|LRO 04|

While revisiting his own dystopia in 1958, Huxley encapsulated the premise of this form of power by juxtaposing it to the earlier, primarily ideological, state: “the early advocates of universal literacy and a free press envisaged only two possibilities: the propaganda might be true, or it might be false”—reflecting the historically corresponding (monotheist) association of [...]

Sexercise: The Real Work(ed) Out?

By | October 16th, 2015|LRO 04|

Kylie Minogue to the British National Health Service, sexercise involves turning the bedroom into a gym, and the gym into a training ground for the bedroom. It pushes sex toward self-improvement, with the aim of attaining ‘peak performance’: we must all aspire to be elite erotic athletes, constantly striving to exceed our previous personal bests. [...]

Street Food

By | October 16th, 2015|LRO 04|

No matter how delicious the street cheeseburgers at the California Cantine on the rue Turbigo may be, I refuse to participate in this farce on ethical grounds. Likewise, under ordinary circumstances, I would never set foot in a Naturalia health food store. For an American, France is a museum of the recent commercial past. Consumer [...]