About us

The Lacanian Reviews was a digital space that hosted two publications: Lacanian Review Online (LRO) and The Lacanian Review (TLR), both publications of the New Lacanian School (NLS) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP).

LRO was a free, bi-weekly electronic newsletter in English which published contributions addressing the pressing questions of our times. TLR is a semi-annual print journal. The purpose of LRO, along with TLR, was to present the advances of ongoing research in psychoanalysis as first described by Sigmund Freud and elaborated by Jacques Lacan, in the orientation that Jacques-Alain Miller has established in order to approach their teachings today.

Over the course of its publication, from September 2015 to May 2023, LRO had four editors: France Jaigu, Florencia Shanahan, and Jeff Erbe and Jorge Assef (Co-Editors), under the direction of editor-in-chief, Marie-Hélène Brousse.

The work of Lacanian Review Online will continue under a new name, with a new website being launched in September 2024. This site is now an archive where you can access all the texts that were published.

For information about our print journal, The Lacanian Review, see amp-nls.org