Violent Children?

By | March 17th, 2019|LRO 135|

Due to much stricter controls on the sales of firearms in the UK, we haven’t had the same problem with shootings and mass killings as witnessed in the USA. But while all the energy of government has been sucked into the impasses of Brexit, we suddenly find ourselves confronted with another kind of national emergency [...]

The Lacanian Review. Hurly-Burly – Issue 6

By | October 17th, 2018|TLR 6|

New Lacanian School (NLS) / World Association of Psychoanalysis (WAP) The 6th Issue of The Lacanian Review, Fall 2018 ‘¡URGENT!’ Release Date: November 2018 - FREE SHIPPING BEFORE NOVEMBER 4TH Brief With a series of exceptional new translations of texts by Jacques Lacan and Jacques-Alain Miller, The Lacanian Review takes you into the space of [...]

The Secret Substance

By | October 11th, 2018|LRO 96|

If popular wisdom baptized money as "the excrement of the Devil", the cunning of Luther (whose bowel movements inspired the Reformation, according to the biographers) consisted in robbing money from the devil and having it blessed by God. This gave the green light to capitalism, which is not without reason is doing much better with [...]

Art and Fiction

By | September 19th, 2018|LRO 90|

Art and Fiction Kan Yasuda’s 'The secret of the Sky' In Short  Surprise! To encounter the work of art The secret of the sky (1996) by Kan Yasuda, means to face “the sovereign image”[1] in Naoshima Island ![2] Beyond the phenomenology of perception, the visitor is invited to fall upon the significantised element. Freud and Lacan [...]

The tea of the master and the tea of desire. A short story in the light of Lacan’s Seminar XVII

By | September 15th, 2018|LRO 89|

Amantine is the heroine of the exceptional short story À Clairmont by Maryse Battistuzzi.[1] She is an old lady with a particular whim that makes other people wonder: when taking her tea she invariably leaves a small quantity in the bottom of her cup. To Amantine, to consume those last sips would doubtless amount “to [...]

Subjects of Instruments

By | September 10th, 2016|LRO 45|

Pokémon Go has been dominating the media and the streets, with crowds gathering and provoking chaos when rare characters appear on screen. It shows us to what extent Lacans statement: “ You are from now on, more than you would ever think, subjects of instruments (…). ”2can be understood. Several online articles are reporting that [...]

A Good Analyst

By | June 24th, 2016|LRO 39|

How does countertransference come to play such a big part of today’s orthodoxy of psychoanalysis? Paul Geltner, a New York based psychoanalyst, who specialises in countertransference phenomena, recently published a book where he speaks frankly about the “uses of feeling” in the analytic practice, although his expertise rests on providing supervision1 . His main focus [...]