Violent Children?

By | March 17th, 2019|LRO 135|

Due to much stricter controls on the sales of firearms in the UK, we haven’t had the same problem with shootings and mass killings as witnessed in the USA. But while all the energy of government has been sucked into the impasses of Brexit, we suddenly find ourselves confronted with another kind of national emergency [...]

Are there judges?

By | November 11th, 2018|LRO 103|

In Israel, Judges, especially those of the Supreme Court, have the function of protecting and defending human rights and liberty, of standing against any kind of segregation. Where are they when the spirit of democracy ceases to function as their compass? Theirs is a very complicated and difficult position. The State of Israel does not [...]

“[…] and I did not open my mouth anymore”

By | November 3rd, 2018|LRO 101|

In Europe today, the question of politics as faced with human phenomena is effaced in favour of a discourse of necessity. The decision makers think that they are managers. The logic of numbers buries the political question. This cold discourse creates a climate of exclusion and widespread disquiet in a silent world faced with the [...]

Time Does Not Stop

By | October 28th, 2018|LRO 100|

“Time does not stop” is the title of a famous song by the Argentine rock band Bersuit Vergarabat.[1] This could be the title of a television series, since the phenomenon of temporal distortion is one of television’s essential characteristics. This feature is quite frequent in recent series. However, the limitlessness of the contemporary experience of [...]

The Green Tide

By | October 15th, 2018|LRO 97|

For years groups of women have been demonstrating in Argentina. Women who, through different manifestations, make a claim for equal gender rights, protection, security, expansion of social benefits, etc. From the parliamentary debate on the decriminalization of abortion, this movement has grown exponentially, taking to the streets of the country’s main cities, identifying itself with [...]

The Cambridge Analytica Scandal as Symptom?

By | September 29th, 2018|LRO 93|

States began treating civil populations like data sets in the late 1990s.[1] In 2002, the National Security Agency (NSA), established its Information Awareness Office (IAO), whose motto is Scientia est potentia – knowledge is power. Since knowledge was now being produced in “ones and zeroes”, the agency understood it had to reorient its gaze.[2] A [...]