The big short, on the nests of corruption in the system

By | May 1st, 2016|LRO 32|

It is interesting to note that just one day later, the film The Big Short was competing in the best picture category. The story is based on a true story published in 2010 in a book by Michael Lewis. In it Lewis recounted how some Wall Street businessmen predicted the 2007-2010 financial crisis before anyone [...]

Does a pervert get off?

By | May 1st, 2016|LRO 32|

Similar traits appeared to occur at his workplace, where he was known for unexpected abusive treatment of women co-workers. During, and after, the trial, protesters used the discourse of rape, despite Ghomeshi’s very specific kinds of assault, and the fact that the sexual acts appeared to be consensual, and even took place after the alleged [...]