The tea of the master and the tea of desire. A short story in the light of Lacan’s Seminar XVII

By | September 15th, 2018|LRO 89|

Amantine is the heroine of the exceptional short story À Clairmont by Maryse Battistuzzi.[1] She is an old lady with a particular whim that makes other people wonder: when taking her tea she invariably leaves a small quantity in the bottom of her cup. To Amantine, to consume those last sips would doubtless amount “to [...]

Subjects of Instruments

By | September 10th, 2016|LRO 45|

Pokémon Go has been dominating the media and the streets, with crowds gathering and provoking chaos when rare characters appear on screen. It shows us to what extent Lacans statement: “ You are from now on, more than you would ever think, subjects of instruments (…). ”2can be understood. Several online articles are reporting that [...]

Tattoo and its Current Feminisation

By | April 1st, 2016|LRO 27|

The change in the population that practices tattooing is as old as the history of mankind itself. When you study the history of tattoo, you will find a constant switch throughout the centuries. Sociologists will interpret this vacillation as cultural changes in modes, styles and values. From a psychoanalytical point of view, the study of [...]


By | January 8th, 2016|LRO 15|

This memory of Jacob Freud's, which he tells his young son Sigmund, triggered off revenge fantasies in the latter. In Psychopathology of Everyday Life, Freud explains how he developed an identification with Hannibal, whose sole driving force was vengeance on Rome from conquering Carthage. In The Interpretation of Dreams, there is a slip in which [...]

A Selection of Reactions from Colleagues Abroad

By | November 20th, 2015|LRO 09|

A large number of us Argentines have grown up looking at France; perhaps that's the reason why the terrorist attacks last November 13 shocked the country in ways that those in Atocha, Madrid, or on the London buses hadn't in the past. At 7:00 pm all TV channels and radio stations interrupted their programs in [...]